Privacy Policy

Last updated: December 22, 2021

We operate the “Report Coin Scams” website. This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from users of the Site.

In order to ensure that we are operating in full compliance with all relevant Data Protection laws and regulations including the General Data Protection Regulation, we have updated and amended our policies below. If there is anything you have any questions about, please contact us at

The information we collect:

Every time you browse/use the Report Coin Scams site, we may collect and record the following information:

  • Information based on activities performed on the website
  • Internet Protocol address
  • Browser information and application numbers
  • Cookies
  • Geographical information
  • Information relating to your specific complaint against a merchant. (This information is provided by you, the visitor to our site, and is not required in order to access our site)


When you browse the Report Coin Scams site, we may collect information including, but not limited to, the domain and host from which you access the internet and the IP address of the computer or internet service provider you use. We may use this information to enhance site performance, gather demographic information, for security purposes, and any other statistical analysis as we may see fit. This information will not be shared with third parties without your express consent.


A cookie is a small data file that certain websites write to your hard drive when you visit them. A cookie file can contain information such as a user ID that the site uses to track the pages you have visited, but the only personal information a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie cannot read data off your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. Report Coin Scams may place and/or store code or other types of information (e.g., “cookies”) on your computer. We use these cookies to better serve you and make your experience on our website better. We do not place any confidential information in these cookies and the cookies may be removed at any time without affecting your ability to use our website.

The cookies do not contain personally-identifying information, nor are they used to identify you. You may choose to disable the cookies. However, you may not be able to access some parts of this website if you choose to disable the cookie acceptance in your browser, particularly the secure parts of the website.

For further information about cookies and how to disable them, please refer to

You can choose to have your computer warn you each time a cookie is being sent, or you can choose to turn off all cookies. You do this through your browser (like Internet Explorer or Google Chrome) settings. Each browser is a little different, so look at your browser’s Help menu to learn the correct way to modify your cookies.

If you turn cookies off, some features will be disabled. It will not affect the user experience that makes your visit to our site more efficient but some of our services will not function properly.

Personally submitted information

You may choose to provide personal information, including your name, email address, phone number, and specific details of your situation. These details may include (and are not limited to):

  • Personal financial information
  • Personal correspondence between you (the visitor) and the merchant against whom you have a complaint
  • Additional case relevant details

How we use your information:

Information obtained from your accessing and browsing the site is used to optimize performance, improve usability, enhance the user experience on the site, and for use in aggregate for commercial purposes such as marketing and promotions. Your information is not shared with any third parties without your express consent. Marketing and promotional offers will likewise not be sent to you without your express consent.

The personal information you provide to us (i.e. name, phone number, email address, etc.) via our website or landing pages from our marketing channels are used to allow us to identify you and to contact you at your request. Where appropriate, Report Coin Scams may recommend the services of a third party that we believe may be relevant to your complaint. Your information will only be shared with our third-party partners (including recommended service providers) only when we feel that the partner or third-party provider can help to progress your complaint. The partner or third-party provider will be discussing only the details of your complaint. An email of the details of the partner or third-party provider will be sent to you to allow you to accept their call or any other acceptable communication channels the partner or third party chooses to use to contact you.

Log Data

Like many site operators, we collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our Site (“Log Data”). This Log Data may include information such as your computer’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our Site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, and other statistics. In addition, we may use third-party services such as Google Analytics that collect, monitor, and analyze this. No personally-identifying information is shared with any third parties without your express consent.

Blogs, forums, and other social media

The website may host various blogs, forums, and other social media applications or services that allow you to share content with other users. Any personal information or other information that you contribute via these mediums can be read, collected, and used by other users of these mediums over whom we have little or no control. Therefore, we are not responsible for any other user’s use, misuse, or misappropriation of any personal information or other information that you contribute to any of these mediums.

Policy Towards Minors

We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from minors. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her minor child has provided us with personal information without their consent, please contact us immediately at Upon receiving such notification, we will delete the information from our records.


The security of your Personal Information is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. While we use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security and we urge you to protect your personal data while on the internet.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is effective as of May 21, 2018, and will remain in effect except with respect to any changes in its provisions in the future, which will be in effect immediately after being posted on this page. We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time and you should check this Privacy Policy periodically. Your continued use of the Service after we post any modifications to the Privacy Policy on this page will constitute your acknowledgment of the modifications and your consent to abide and be bound by the modified Privacy Policy. If we make any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we will notify you either through the email address you have provided us or by placing a prominent notice on our website.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact